I like Tilups kinda sorta somewhat

Thumbing through a book of 1893, a little paragraph about laughter.

Laughter of girls/Women is, and ever was, the most delightful sounds of Earth. Truely there is nothing sweeter or pleasanter to the ear of than the marry laugh of a joyous girl or Woman, and nothing dissipates gloom and sadness quicker, and drives dull care away like a good hearty laugh. We do not laugh enough: nature should teach us this lesson, it is true; the earth needs the showers, but if it did not catch and hold the sunshine too, where would be the brightness and beauty it lavishes upon us? Laugh heartily, laugh often ladies; not boisterously, but let the gladness of your hearts bubble up once in awhile and overflow in a mirthful laugh.

Why that passage, fellas know by instinct, it makes our day so much better

a translation of sorts

Make safe the path of Woman to walk without fear

Just imagine, you’re playing rock, paper scissors in a mirror, you stop pounding your fist, mirror keeps pounding, no guarantees, I would bet a pasty you’re first thought will be… fuck… To heighten the level WTH, add a happy tune, people had the totally wrong idea of Tiny Tim, took a lot crap he did, when you hear him know this: he’s imitating the voices on the radio of the 1920’s.

Hearing Tim while watching

Drywall doesn’t stop bullets

with music of course

sips coffee thinking here

there’s record stores around here, I should open one