If I Were In Charge

If I were in charge of The Debate

There has been much ado (that is an understatement) concerning the debate. After careful consideration, if I were in charge, the following would be how the debate would be conducted.

Here are the would not happen policies. 

The debate would not be held in a television studio. 

The debate would not be shown on ABC, CNN, CBS, CNBC, FOX, MSNBC, NBC nor NPR. 

Here are the would be protocols if I were in charge. 

The debate would be held in DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC.

The debate would be broadcast on C-SPAN

Next, the people asking the candidates questions. 

The definition of a moderator is: “One who presides over a meeting, forum, or debate.” Using this as the starting point for the people on the panel, technically one person moderates. 

For the Moderator, we have a Distinguished Alumni of the National Debate Society and former Solicitor General of The United States, Roger Clement. His only duties are to manage the debate rules. 

For the panel of interrogators, Greta Brawner, Harris Faulkner, and Van Jones.

The format would be the customary 90 minutes. 60 minutes would be for the three listed interrogators to ask their questions. The remaining 30 minutes would be be questions from the audience. Each interrogator will select two questions from audience submissions. 

That gentle people is how you manage a debate. You have neutral site, neutral broadcast company, distinguished moderator, an evenly divided set of interrogators and an opportunity for citizen questions.