Journo entry: climate change

Anno, I haven’t awol, been busy though, sips coffee, the dog don’t like lighting or boomers, been a few days since I reported in, I’ll explain. Some storms came through, I was like

I got kicked off of Noah’s Ark
I turn my cheek to unkind remarks
There was two of everything
But one of me

And when the rains came tumbling down
I held my breath, and I stood my ground
And I watched that ship go sailing
Out to sea

Take it back
Take it back
Oh no, you can’t say that
All of my friends
Are now dead or in jail

Through rock and through stone
The black wind still moans
Sweet revenge
Sweet revenge
Without fail

And rain it did, ever hear servpro workin, no, well you’re in right place, better me than you eh

A few days of that racket, it’s enough to up your own medications. And the racket continues, least I can see the G’damn floor now

Pay no mind to the missing tiles, they popped up popcorn kernels, was decent looking down, not no more. This is one way: I handled it somewhat differently, did want to get in servpro’s way yaknow, I smoked up some bacon, it was time, 7 days for curing

Checking the status on my bacon, ole servpro was looking like deer in headlights at my bacon, eh! you ain’t getting any of my meat, we don’t do reach arounds around here.

Servpro came out, I asked him and his crew, what ya doin man? “We’re breaking, we break every two hours”. I just look at that motley crew thinking, I’d have no problem going full on JOHN PAUL JONSING on thier asses

Thinking back, like way back, I don’t remember such weather, it was always sunny, a balmy 72 slight breeze, buttercups everywhere, even during December, the ladyslippers all pink and puffy, very delicate wild flower, and the morels, so big you needed a hacksaw to cut them down, now days you be lucky to find big enough to tease the fucking neighbors with.

With few a minutes, I was looking at stuff, ran across this:

why prepping is a waste of time, ahuhh… that’s way BUKU people had no power, my generac kicked in, making sure my bacon stayed nice and cold.

#11. Promotes Fear

While it is important to prepare for emergencies, constantly focusing on potential disasters can instill fear and paranoia.

This fear can consume your thoughts and prevent you from thoroughly enjoying life.

What caught my eye was this

“Imagine being so fearful that you never want to leave your house or turn on your cell phone for fear others are watching or listening in”.

Is times you just have to smile at the UNINFORMED while keeping a song in your heart

Now excuse me, I’m going to explain to servpro, at this $ate, BREAKTIME IS OVER!

Never leave the dog behind