Federal Jobs Report …

Federal Jobs Report Slices Total Jobs in New Revision Ryan McMaken for Mises.org. 08/21/2024 The Bureau of Labor…

Why Israel’s Critics Stopped..

Why Israel’s Critics Stopped Pretending To Want a Ceasefire Seth Mandel for commentary.org The pro-Hamas protesters both outside…

Welcome to Thursday Conversation for August 22

Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with  It would appear Walz offers much more for…

Is Our Future a Blue Screen of Death?

Is Our Future a Blue Screen of Death? James B. MeigsSeptember 2024 Commentary Magazine Some say the…

Kamala Harris, Composite Presidential Nominee

Kamala Harris, Composite Presidential Nominee Seth MandelAugust 19, 2024 for Commentary.org Tonight begins the four-day convention at…

America, pay attention G’damnit

Or you can relearn the lessons learned at Jamestown, Thanksgiving is happy time for many of…

Welcome to Wednesday Conversation for August 21

Over Black Coffee and Gunpowder Tea served with  What happens when a space alien arrives seeking…

Who Is Kamala Harris

Who Is Kamala Harris? Matthew ContinettiSeptember 2024 Issue Commentary.org On July 30, Kamala Harris released the first…

If I Were In Charge

If I were in charge of The Debate There has been much ado (that is an…

Mr. Consensus: A Portrait..

Mr. Consensus: A Portrait of a Suicidal Worldview Ayaan Hirsi AliJuly/August 2024 for Commentary.org Picture this. It…