Poor Man’s Supper

1 large cast iron skillet
Metal spatula
Your favorite cooking oil

Depending on how many you are feeding, you will need 3-4 eggs, beaten, 2-3 large potatoes, sliced, 2-3 hot dogs sliced, a large onion, sliced. If you are feeling rich that day, slice a couple of green peppers.

Slice potatoes and place them in the skillet that has been sufficiently oiled, over medium heat. to prevent potatoes from sticking to the skillet. If you want them crispy you can let them cook a little bit longer; or for less crispy, not as long with a cover over the skillet to retain some moisture. Turn sliced potatoes periodically.

When potatoes are desired texture, add hot dogs and cook to desired heat/texture, and onions and cook to desired texture, mixing periodically

Add beaten eggs, stirring to make a scrambled egg mixture with the other ingredients until they are relatively firm, being careful not to burn them.

Put your dinner on a plate or in a bowl, top with your favorite hot sauce or ketchup and enjoy.

I make this every once in awhile, but found it on YouTube as well.