6 Weeks

That’s how far off Election Day is as of today. 6 weeks. 49 days. 1176 hours. That’s it.

If you can vote early, do so. You never know if some emergency will rear its ugly head as you’re headed to the polling place. Better safe than sorry. I would prefer Election day only voting with very limited exceptions to cast absentee ballots, but that is not the reality in the US anymore.

Encourage your friends and neighbors to vote. Offer to take them to their polling place. Don’t be a tool about it, but talk to them about what is actually at stake this year. Be prepared to discuss the issues and have the facts at hand to bolster your arguments. There are several good resources available, Hannity has a particularly good one, that lay out the facts in an easy to digest format. Read up.

Stay away from personal attacks when you’re trying to convince someone. That never works and almost always backfires. As Socrates said: “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

Again, there are a mere 6 weeks until the election. Get out there and vote.