Digging through a cubby-hole of sorts, thinking more a long of she ran outta room in the canning room, so this would like an overflow,only moved one gun pouch while sayin wth… more frigging gars

3 boxes high stacked. Stood up, took a drink of the Vernors, I see the message left.
What’s this;
The Longshoremen are planning a strike, shutting down the ports
what ya gonna eat now, I have other things to do besides partaking in food riots Not really a down an dirty version of da Cudighi (Could-a-key), but it tastes really frigging good, got the recipe from Ole Pete years ago. Scout out the meat counter, as in worm out the information from the butcher when port is going on sale, High speed beef also works very well with added pork.
6pounds of the pork butt
One clove
2 Tbl of the red pepper flakes
4Tbl of the Fennel seed only use
3 Tbl of the salt
not that G’damn table, that stuff will killya mix well, cover and sit in the fridge overnight
then patty up the mixture. Freezes well.
Pizza sauce belongs on pizza
Spaghetti sauce belongs with the meatballs and Spaghetti noodles
Marinara Sauce ONLY on the da cudighi, if you don’t you’ll earned a visit from the Godfather. veggies, whatever floats your boat

There’s only one place that has da Cudighi as a normal everyday food, St. Louis, if you wanna go all fancy and slave over a hot stove/grill, there’s a sweet version of da Cudighi. There’s really no reason to wonder where this guy got the recipe is there, I didn’t think so.