And Boom Goes the Dynamite

That line comes from the worst sportscaster ever, Ball State student Brian Collins.

Today it has a slightly different meaning. The IDF struck the Hamas headquarters building in Beirut this morning. The strike was massive. It has been reported that the IDF used 1000lb bunker-busters among other munitions in the strike. It leveled 6 apartment blocks.

I’ve held off on writing about it until now because there has not been confirmation that the main target of the strike, Hassan Nasrallah, was eliminated. While it is still unconfirmed, there are legitimate sources saying Nasrallah was killed in the strike. It is also alleged that Ali Karaki, Hezb’s southern front commander was in the bunker with Nasrallah.

If, and at this point those two letters are doing some heavy lifting, Nasrallah and Karaki were killed in the HQ bunker when it was struck, that leaves one man, Abu Ali Rida, as the lone member of Hezbollah senior leadership. I cannot stress enough how big of a deal this is.

In less than two weeks, the IDF and Israeli intelligence have completely dismantled the Hezbollah leadership. The elimination of Nasrallah also affects the Iranians, as he was a top advisor to the Ayatollahs. He took over from Sulaimani after he got missile-with-swords-ed as the point man for Syria, Lebanon and Gaza.

As I type this, the Iranians have convened their national security council to discuss this. Keep in mind, it is after 2300 in Tehran and Khamenei is 85.