
Don’t know if you know so I’ll tellya, there’s a harvest moon soon, always time to see it rise over the lake, also known as a strawberry moon

How did it get this far, for someone like tampon timmy picked for vp of this country, I filed it under:

the slippery slope

This here is a cousin of mine

Wanna know what her biggest problem was, well… finding a husband, when everyone you know is a cousin, husband shopping can be difficult. She ended going down into cheeseland, (different tribe), found a husband. You see her, you’ll see the 3 stooges, don’t do anything stupid near my cousin, fair warning.

She buys fresh Dill from my garden lady who happens to be another Man’s wifey which I just don’t care. I swear that Woman could plant a Dorito chip come harvest time, she’d have TOCO truck full TACO shells. Her garden surrounded with Concord grapes; people make wine around here.

Ask any decent self respecting medical type they’ll tell ya, many problems people have, they start in the gut. I’m no doc, I do know stuff so this what ya do, start small like with jalapeƱo heat, work yourself up to the Portugal hot pepper

On no time at all, the Habanero will just about cure any gut problems you have

Gardening is work, lots of work, nothing free, 5 pounds of smoke bacon was deal :).

Signs are everywhere

I heard it gets cold in Ohio, maybe I’ll see stories of Haitians freezing to death.

ohh yeah, keep a smile on your face as in this example from a Brother of another Mother