It’s Friyay! Time for our weekly excursion into the lighter side. Before we get into our usual faffery, I want to extend my prayers and well-wishes to any-and-everyone impacted by Helene. Look for a piece about that Bitch in a little bit.
There are a couple of Baseball notes I’d like to cover. First up, both the Dodgers and Yankees locked up their respective divisions last night, the Dodgers by beating the Padres 7-2, the Yankees by laying a 10-1 spanking on the Orioles. I should note that both teams clinched by beating their respective 2nd place opponent.
The other Baseball note is a bit less positive. The Oakland Athletics played their last game at the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum. They will now play at least two seasons in an upgraded minor league stadium in Sacramento before eventually moving into new digs in Las Vegas. The team had been in Oakland for 57 years. Prior to that, they did a short-ish 13 year stint in KC. The team was one of the founding clubs in the American League, playing in Philadelphia from 1901 to 1955.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. . .
Pearls Before Swine

Political Commentary

Dad Jokes
