If it’s not one thing, it’s another

Sips a new coffee ahhhhh.

I didn’t forget nor have I

I see Hanoi Jane is below the bridge spewing her verbal vomit for harris, that right there should prove the left have gone full commieratbastard mode. Seeing reports of a portion of the people thinks it just fine & dandy to Murder a fellow countryman because he’s views are different than theirs. This guy was fired because his views didn’t line up proper

If memory serves, about 5/6 years we were all warned about the Maduro diet, you know, that’s where people were eating zoo animals, Venezuela used to be a rich country. Sips coffee… yaknow, I really don’t look like that dog, well maybe around the eyes, the Clint Squint is a teachable item. I asked the dog what his pronouns were, he sorta growled “lock & load”, well least that’s what it sounded like

I suppose that smoker roof makes me some sort of enemy of those who hate this country, yeah well, the most dangerous kind of anger is built in someone with a good heart… sips coffee, Dog there is just as sneaky around smokers as this one

Thinkin I’ll be using up that whole bottle of Sloans

3 more rooms to go, first I gotta empty them