Journo entry: I see no difference

Gophers, ILLEGAL ALIENS, there’s no difference not really, was tellin dog, dog you know what sort of difference I could do if I had twin, you know, I could be in 2 places at once, figurin God probably said ” ohh no, we’re not havin none of that” and broke the mold. Sips coffee… dog, everyone’s time on earth is limited, heard tell we should age with grace, to hell with that nonsense, I’m aging just fine with mischief & audacity, everyone should; yeah, that way you have good story to tell.

Sips coffee, dog, I’ve reviewed the regulations

Act 319 of 1990

123.1101 Definitions.

Sec. 1.

As used in this act:

(a) “Firearm” means any weapon which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosive.

(b) “Local unit of government” means a city, village, township, or county.

(c) “Pistol” means that term as defined in section 222 of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.222.

(d) “Pneumatic gun” means any implement, designed as a gun, that will expel a BB or pellet by spring, gas, or air. Pneumatic gun includes a paintball gun that expels by pneumatic pressure plastic balls filled with paint for the purpose of marking the point of impact.

It mentions nothing about the freezer, you know, freeze the paintballs, to add a tad more discomfort to the gophers or illegal aliens whichever the case may be.

I found this to be interesting learning so I’m just passing along stuff

paintball Claymore

you know the ole sayin, make due with what ya got and be thankful for what ya have

you know the song