Presidential Debate Part II: Electric Boogaloo

Tonight at 2100 is the first debate between Former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris. Remember though, it’s the second debate of the campaign, Trump and Biden went toe-to-toe back on 27 June. The results of that meeting were spectacular. Biden was defenestrated, Harris was immaculated and the entire race changed.

Frankly, I thought the conditions the Biden camp insisted on helped Trump’s performance. The muted mics and lack of an audience to play to kept him focused on the task at hand. I’m of a similar opinion about the rules of tonight’s clash – which are similar – although for different reasons. Primarily, I think it prevents Kamala from getting her excuse me, I’m speaking moment and keeps her from interrupting Trump during one of his lengthy soliloquies.

I expect tonight’s debate will be a rambunctious affair and quite literally 3 on 1. Hopefully Trump can restrain his combative nature at least a bit and refrain from ad hominem attacks on Harris. Calling her names and being generally unpleasant to her will not play well with most women voters.

Instead, he needs to press Kamala on her policies and make the case that she would be a continuation of the last 3 1/2 miserable years under Biden. Trump also needs to pin Kamala down on her ever-shifting policy positions and tie her to her previously stated policies. He needs to make her defend herself from her extremely liberal record at all levels.

We’ll know who won in about 11 hours as I write this (12:00ish). If you want my opinion, it’s going to be a close run thing. Be prepared for the reaction tomorrow.