Taking a break, short one, for a change of pace, decided to leave the basement, fresh air yaknow, went up into the attic, believe you me, I don’t need a stair climber or a G’damn gym membership. Back down the stairs I went, needed dolly, back up I went draggin it with me. Sips coffee for energy… Good news, not one Harliquinn has been found, full sets from 50s,60s,70s,80’s Britanna Encyclopedias, how she got those books up there, no idea, I didn’t do it. Started grabbing them piled on dolly, and down I go.

Sat down… that’s when ole Snake came to mind lookin at ole Doc Gunner

wanna know what Snake would say

listen-up, been told if you nothing nice don’t say anything, phuck that, tell’em anyways, the mofo’s gotta hear the truth then throat-punch him. the good Lord said we’d always have poor, wanna know why, because G’damn governments. One don’t need to look off shore, everyone in America is feeling and seeing poverty grow, right here at home.
You know Snake is eyeballing sir Robert
Snake got the look of, another one who needs a G’damn throat-punch. How’s the land down-under looking these days, after 2021
A Sydney, Australia family says their 12-year-old daughter was pepper-sprayed while two other family members were arrested for not following face-mask rules during a shopping trip.
Cop wasn’t even wearing a mask, don’t matter
Watch: Australian Police Pepper Spray 12-Year-Old During Fight Over Mask Mandate | Video | RealClearPolitics, acting no different than Centurions of Rome.
Sittin here with a coffee, not a stokie, about to haul up the dolly again, I’ll give you something to think besides current events

100 years ago, everyone owned a horse, only rich had cars, now everyone has a car and only the rich own horses
Just think, if you rip a hole in a fish net, there’s actually less holes than before
Dog was lookin like a longhaired dope smoking maggot from Woodstock
lookin pretty good
with a high-n-tight

Come-on dolly, let’s go