The kitchen table

First things first, somehow it felt I was cutting in line yesterday, normally Auntie does breakfast, time was tight, I needed to get in my two cents worth won’t happen again. This may be a common item we share, just never pay attention to it. The kitchen table it’s where important is discussed, reason being, way back when, it was the warmest room in any home, that’s where the stove was so people gathered in the kitchen. People still do that, some sort of hand me down I suppose. Had to get to the house before the woodworker up.

Horse trading

 negotiation accompanied by shrewd bargaining and reciprocal concessions. I want a transition strip, their purpose is to cover edges of floor to carpet. ” What ya doin with the Stanley four way chance”


“Chance, that length isn’t gonna be cheap” I know, that’s why you’re here. ” Chance I ain’t cheap”. I know, we’ll work on that. Sitting at the table I offered an idea, ” hea how, that’ll work. I know his weakness

free wood

the deal

I go out back, find a tree that will become part of the mortar, of course I figure in how little I have to give to workworker to which he’ll be happy with, while I get a beautiful handmade transition strip. View this as some sort of shopping out back, any reason to get into the woods, is a good reason.

No Sugar maple will be used, I got this other falla who was at my table whining he doesn’t have surgar maple and he wants to start making maple syrup, told that one, sucks to you eh” ok, you can tap trees, I want a gallon of the stuff, deal!. Easy peasy that one.

Side note stuff: That cat who got eaten, for whatever reason has stuck in my craw, I think I know why,

“how you treat a dumb animal is how you should be treated”

words spoken by my dad, he wasn’t wrong

Fellas, I think you can relate, you know, how she’s feeling at the moment, how’s that you may ask

well ya just never know

One day Man was cooking meat on a fire, the scent on the wind caught the attention of Wolf, he went to investigate. Wolf saw Man, Man saw Wolf, a few tense moments past, Man said ” Wolf, I’ll make a deal with you, you can shelter from the weather here in my cave, you can eat from my table, I ask only this this, you look after my family. Wolf thought about it, Wolf knew this was a good deal.