Ahhh yes, da Haluski

Sips coffee… I had the Armydog on the horn early this am, eh dog, you see that dispatch I sent ya?, he went quiet for moment, ya, I see it. It’s how it’s done dog, send in the Marines to kick ass with manners when needed

How about I come over for coffee? ” that won’t work, we don’t have any coffee due to the longshoreman strike”. Well maybe tomorrow you will, ” no.. tomorrow isn’t lookin to good either he hung up. It’s good to rattle his cage just short of a brain aneurism, I like the guy.

Plan A didn’t work out, plan B engaged

Broke out a map

fine print translated; G’damn Army

Lookin at my back-up pantry, what’s cool about it,

it’s the least visited National park, aka Isle Royal

plenty of Moose and other eatable items, if you don’t mind wolves you be fine.

For those who don’t have a back-up pantry in the front yard, I’ll share a recipe to help you out. Gonna toss this for GP, who you gonna trust, TAMPON TIM or my mother, you know something is good when she writes ” real good” on the recipe card.

This recipe comes from Slovakia, she knew a lot of people

When making the potato dumplings, keep the fork hot from the boiling water as you cut the mixture. Have a bowl of that stuff, you will be full for the whole day, ever have a food that tastes better when warmed up the next day, the Haluska is one of those foods, that only applies if there’s any left over.

Now excuse me, I have some studying to finish up