
Like those two goofballs

Sips coffee, hearing the lake lap the shore in like low 40’s, there’s a story out there, a fun read for the Nero-net, you know, to keep the fluids fluid, ever read the story of Davey Crockett & Farmer Bunce, if not; read it here:

“Not Yours to Give” – Mackinac Center

Lots of holes in the story, Jim will fill you in

Jim’s Corner: “Not Yours to Give”: A Fable Re-Examined (

There’s a line in that story that came to mind while hearing the lake.

” As an individual of the body, you are free to give to charity as much as you want”

paraphrasing of course to pique the interest of what the hell is he talking about now.

A full congress, many are millionaires through insider-trading and Shadey dealings

I haven’t seen any dispatches of that gathering of Baboons donating a dollar from thier own pocket to those hurt caused by Helene. Have you, just askin.

Ever go to a fur trapping show, there’s good people donating thier time to show the young ones the proper ways of trapping, you can see some are not really payin attention while there others are all ears, this young lady reminded me of those who want to learn to do stuff the right way.

An now a word from Chad

You knew, you just knew this song was gonna play 🙂