Chinggis… does he have a sister?

Was at the house doin some stuff, truck pulled in, no rust, seen the plate, outta state, that would explain the lack of rust. This young lady you if take some pictures, no I don’t mind, the colors are just beautiful. Found out she’s up from the Wisconsin Dells area, her dad got a camp down the road some, said growing up hunting and fishing being outdoors is the best to be, so true. Still taking pictures of the lake, said she tries explaining to people about where North is, with a smile said she won’t even try explaining this place that’s up North of North. Said she taking pictures to show someone who’s never seen such things except in pictures, then said, soon I’ll be leaving the for Stepp. Why you going there, well I do missionary and my boyfriend there. Does he have his own yurt or live with his parents?, he has own place, (looks like this)

Thinkin that impressed her I knew about such things. Private thought insert, chance, you may cool and stuff but having a snow leopard as a hunting friend while sporting an AK-47 is like top shelf cool.

Said no he doesn’t have a leopard, his sister has a bird she hunts with

(net pic)

That’s when I asked her about a sister, he has 3 of them, ohh.. ohh yeah, well ask your Chinggis, which one pesters him the most, maybe we can do a bit of trading. She let out a belly laugh, then said, we’re hoping to get him over here to meet my parents next year and says, I’ll tell him that still smiling. Said she has get goin and thanked me, told her, you get him over for visit, stop by if time allows, she took a picture of me to show him.

Just goes to show ya, just never know what the day bring while outside.

I found a time-lapse video,

was a time you’re told be home for supper, or maybe you told come-in when the streetlights came on