Sips coffee… for the record, I didn’t speed yesterday to pay that speeding ticket I got a while back, got a reminder in receptacle box, I was cruising pretty good until that silver-back came into view quickly, rather quickly, slowed right down, speed limit 55, they driving 49 mph (wtF!). Silver-backs you see them, kinda and sorta, only thing you do see of them is back of their head which 99.9% silver in color.
While at box, well well well, look what finally got off the slo-boat from china china china. The songle I’ve waiting for, it’s for nothing nefarious, I’m not a nefarious sorta people.

I miss radio junk, everything was made in Japan, it’s a cross-over switch-a-roo for, well you just never mind what for. Nothing nefarious. Sippin coffee, I was tellin dog; dog, it’s probably a good thing I’m not parent in today’s amerika, yeah, boys, get in here at the table, I gotta tell you both something, look kids, I cannot afford both of ya, so this what we are to do and may the good Lord be with you

Ohh you think that’s funny eh, trust me when I say, there’s nothing funny in Marine bootcamp, wanna know what won’t be found in bootcamp, MERCY What part did you not understand, you always keep going until the threat so no longer a threat!
I bet you understand now
My friend Johnny came up from Texas, likes to fish the channels around Brownville, was tellin me about a road I-35 just outside of DFW, sayin those people don’t know how to merge, those people won’t let you merge driving at 90 mph, tye-stuff down, no way, the evidence is all over the side of road, he said I’d do real good on 1-35, that’s right Johnny, with a BOSSPLOW I’m used to moving snowflakes, a lot of them.
I’ve never been to Texas, close, got real close, kinda sorta, Lawton Oklahoma, with flat roads you’d think the coppers would pay no mind to those who have lead in thier foot, trust me, that’s not case. After seeing this stringbean, not sure I wanna see Lubbock Texas, they eat weird things in Lubbock
Stopped at road farmer’s set-up, bought a couple of apples, nice young lady, wanna know when you’re old, it’s when you don’t sleep with your teeth!, my teeth destroyed an apple listening to her jaw-jack about stuff., believe you me, stealing apples never once crossed my mind