Journo entries

These are more reminders for myself, you’re more than welcome to tag along. Was sipping a coffee and thinkin there’s not difference between the sheep and Turons, you know, a cross breed of tourists and MORONS. Tourists normally behave themselves, that other bunch, don’t get me going to early for that. Say if I got another dog, call him Sharky, come next tourist season if there’s one, bring him to a beach full of them, let him loose, wait a few minutes, then start yelling SHARK! SHARK!, and just watch with the Clint Squint. I just might do that… sips coffee.

Was looking at these Patriots

I kinda noticed they are looking at me, and you. We all don’t have choppers, if I had one, G’damn right I wouldn’t be asking for FUCKING PERMISSION. Looking at those bucks, a name came to mind, some of US are not as young as they are, some of US hurt in places we didn’t know we had, yaknow, that just doesn’t matter a hill of beans, not when Ole Sam Whittemore set the example for those of US that Chronologically gifted:

Some background about Ole Sam:

Samuel Whittemore was a 78 year old retired soldier, who took up arms in the later part of the day on April 19, 1775 after the Battles of Lexington and Concord. While skirmishing with others he was cornered by soldiers of the battalion company of the British 47th Regiment of Foot. He killed one with his musket and two more with his pistols. He was shot in the face, clubbed in the head with a musket butt and bayoneted a number times. Despite his grievous wounds he lived another 18 years.

I still think one REDNECK is more so more than a 1000 PhDs, printed this out, inserted into the journo for future considerations concerning foreign aid= influence

I didn’t insert this

final entry was;

Ephesians 5:11 

Have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them