Journo entry: Nooks & crannies

See the look on Patton’s face, that’s like a Trifecta, I’ll explain: Pullin up in Armydog’s drive, that’s his face expression, I can see his brain is already squimmin like toad. 2nd reason, there’s a lot Army in these woods. Ever experience the sayin ” Embrace the Suck”, no well… you’re about to, stick with me, you be fine.

A bit of history: You’ve come along baby Was a time when gerbles were all the fashion you know, tye a string on their tail and have them run wild up the rectum, why I have no idea, rodent abuse totally. Moving to the E.R. yes you can look up everything to verify, trust me you won’t be disappointed by the INSANITY you find, case in point: a perfect replica of an anus had to be surgically removed, why, because Redy-Crete concrete was used to form the replica.

Butt Wait!

there’s more, now with today’s technology, the full experience of birth can be achieved:

I can see some are lookin like you just came out of Marine Corps Gas chamber that need some fresh air, ok ok, breath deep, you be fine, pay no mind to water, just a sign the gales of November will be here soon enough:

Now; moving on to the finer stuff in Life, I saved my nickels from doin a job Americans won’t do, like tying floats and lead weights on fishnets why, I needed to know all about a Woman’s stuffing, I spared no expense, got the deluxe model containing the miracle of Life yeah, something we Men cannot do.

Wanna see the difference between Men & Women of course you do

View this as an example of me showing where the bear does it’s business

For the record Ladies, believe you me when I say, it really doesn’t matter what you wear or accesory, you already made it better as these examples:

She could teach Tampon timmy a thing or 2 about shotguns

Last but not, spandex,leggings or yoga pants, they should viewed as privilege not a right, fellas you know what I speak when you are buyin stuff

Some Elvis would go good right about now

Toldja 🙂