The dragon is back

Sips coffee, was looking at the ceo of Piedmont lithium; Keith Phillps

A story came to mind, it was like whammo! the Legend of Saint George, there’s many versions to the story:

According to the Legenda Aurea (Golden Legend), a 13th-century collection of hagiographies of saints, a dragon was terrorizing a village called Silene in Libya, demanding tribute of trinkets and livestock, and when the people couldn’t pay, the cruel creature demanded the blood of a princess. The valiant George came to the rescue and slew the dragon. The town and the grateful young lady were saved.

Now, if you are familiar with classical mythology, this all sounds very much like Perseus or Jason and Medea. And if you are familiar with the Wild West of early Christian saints, this all sounds like Demetrius and Theodore. But, however you slice it, the man, the myth and the legend took on such a life of their own that devotion to St. George spread all over the Christian world. It was said that George made the Sign of the Cross over the dragon before killing it, and the red cross of St. George, taken up by Richard the Lion Heart, became a staple of imagery during the Crusades

It’s not trinkets he wants, it’s the land


she sang of such times we find ourselves living in