You might be a Crusty if:

See that, that’s the look on my face when someone asks me what my favorite part of Fall is, my favorite part of Fall is when the mosquitos go back to hell. That look can also be applied elsewhere such as hearing Roy with Bob Hope in mind

The look can also be seen when asked about ATF, ATF, sounds like big box discount store for you know, Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms

Music break:

What you just read though could be translated as in, you’re dog ass tired, no sleep for 72 hours, stench of death hangs in the air, flies eating on the dead, the one on point comes upon a burned out Chruch, area secured, you enter and sit down deathly quiet inside. Off in the corner there’s a piano, one gets up walks over, picks up a chair, and starts banging out Mozart Symphony No. 25, to G’damn tired smile, but you find you’re heart has warmed… that’ll work