Thinking He saved President Trump for a reason, to bring peace & and common sense into fashion. Speaking of fashion, I shood run for congress, unlike ole Ben who wore Homespun which is basically Hemp, lots of stuff from those days were of Hemp Lots of drinking, maybe they were smokin to.

Didn’t matter he went, he was well received, even more so by the ladies, a pro-tip from one who knows stuff

Walkin in wearing fur and leather stuff, armed of course lookin like I came from some place where people like to hurt a lot. whatever kind of music they piped in before session starts, would stop
Hold on, I gotta check a smoker, ( I did smoke some sweet potatoes for dog

why, well.. you ever drive through Orange Barrel hell on the road, feeding dog sweet potatoes makes it’s better to locate his land mines in the snow and leaves.
Where was I, ohh yeah, taking my rightful place as the Speaker of the Senate, (private confab between and God). Lord you know me, a I was taught all the best swear words early on then honed by the Marine Corps so not my fault. Taps the mic…
Apologies: my good bitches, but what seems to be the actual fuck in here.
The people have sent me to get this shitshow squared away, from this moment on, your pensions will be stripped, a lifelong of pension of $110,000-$174,000 will be no more. Term limits of 2 and only 6 month pension of 25% of your present pay level at your removal. After that, you need to find a G’damn job like your Boss, who happens to be the American people G’damn it.
And in closing, I don’t know if ELISISTS pricks know this, cheese melts at 99 degrees, with snow and wind which causes temperature fluctuations, ya gotta keep close on it, don’t get me going on the leaves, opened the door, friggin went in, tryin cause a fire, I need a coffee.
Send me in there, I triple dog dare the American people