Sips coffee… see that, it’s a tactical sticker, I’m more of a patch guy than a sticker fella, 4 bucks at tactical sounds like a Veteran owned business :). Yaknow, when you do everything yourself, takes time to do stuff right. It’s soup season, making a good heart soup that’ll stick to your bones, gotta know what ya doin, this guy here, he knows his stuff.
Hold on a minute, I have snail my ear

Sips coffee, gotta teach’em young, the #1 rule of the smoker, Porkchop!, pay attention
If it fits, it smokes
So when the hams are ready, there won’t be fussing about

I’m tellin ya right now, that forest beast was the size of Buick, don’t believe me eh, this is the roast

Some venison stew sounds really good don’t it, ohh you betcha,
use cast iron, it’s better for ya.
A little story for you
I was about 8/9 was a man and woman over at the house for supper, was pot roast, the normal stuff, potatoes, carrots and onions, good eating, after supper the man ask ma if she tin foil, yes, why, well he stood up reaching for left over pot roast saying he was going to take home. She went instant Gunny Ermey, after about 15 seconds of cussing she said, that’s my husband’s lunch tomorrow on the boat, get the hell out of my house! never did see those people again.
the damn gall of some people
Now excuse me, I have some knives I need work,