Sips coffee out here with the morning sun, calm water (for now). Two days man, two days and Mother Nature’s pantry will be open once again.
I have stuff to do besides wondering if Drano drinks will be served aboard ship
Taking to the Seven Seas: Cruise Offers Deal to Avoid Trump Administration

Deer season opens up in 2 days, did I mention that already ohh well. The look on Moo Moo’s face, I’ve seen look from my lil sister lookin at that fella she married. Not seen him since she was called home.

Deer Season around here has always been kinda a big deal, helps the food budget, from field to table, it’s learnin early on what it takes to survive the long winter. It’s not free meat that’s fer sure, there is great happiness knowin the deer won’t eat anything bad, that’s bad for you. That’s a winning situation right there.
I know where da Sooodi deer camp is, never been there, but I know where it is, down the road that way, it’s a good drive so be ready for that.
I know I know, this is far off the beaten path of current events as you may see them, Yoops, well…
Deer Season is current events around here 🙂