Stay frosty Brothers, it ain’t over

Sippin coffee, it’s a tad windy, kinda chilly, rain wanting to be snow, don’t know if you people know this, but I like mornings to be easy and quiet, I’d like day to at least romance me a bit before it before it trys to fuck me. Can I say that, to late, already did. Right-wing conspiracies, what you know of them, I’ll tell something about them, we been right so far G’damn it.

Remember Spenser Rapone rank of SCUMBAG

the USURPER purged many a good Patriots from the flag officer ranks, polluted the Academies with COMMUNIST stinking thinking. I don’t know if you’ve seen this a few days back from the COMMUNIST news network, there isn’t any agency that’s worthy of trust right now, why should the Pentagon be any different, lots of money to be made from war.

Remember, it’s from cnn

According to CNN reports, Pentagon brass met recently to discuss and plan how to override President Trump’s 47 orders.

The military-industrial complex is infuriated that the first president in 40 years who did not start a war while in office has returned to power.

This latest report that the failed Pentagon brass who surrendered to the illiterate Taliban barbarians, donated billions of dollars in US weapons, and abandoned Bagram Air Force Base, are plotting against Trump 47 is not a complete surprise.

What is it, 60 some days before President Trump reports for duty, a lot can happen in 60 some days.

Stay frosty

Ever wonder how gun shops are there in America after you ponder that, repeat after me

Shut up and take my money.

It would be like really helpful if some could translate what the ladies are sayin, my eyeballs along with my mind wondered off the rez man

Not being a dancer myself, doesn’t mean I don’t know the Argentina tango when I see it

sippin my coffee, the important thing to know isn’t who attempted to assassinate him, not once but twice, but who paid for the bullet…