Sippin coffee… he’s earned every nickname attached to him, china-mitch, cocaine-mitch, backstabbing mitch the bitch, this idea is not the first time it’s been done, I like this idea, let’s do it
Tell the truth now, ya’ll don’t view me as this do ya, like what now
was lookin at this catocaster
ohh yeah, lead vocals right here
Replacing the word democracy makes everything much clearer
I don’t know, has there ever been an Amish in uniform, as group of people who make great furniture and other stuff, they knew their entire way of life was on the line, I never thought the Amish would man the wall, the lesson here is don’t fuck with the Amish. Reminded me of Treebeard, slo to anger
anger let loose the Amish way :).
Then we have the MAHA bunch
what’s doc carrying on about
Hydroxychloroquine allows viruses to attack cancer cells while leaving healthy cells, healthy. Seems like information the public deserves to know and this makes you wonder why they tried to obscure this data in the study. Certainly would be bad for the cancer industry’s business
What they feared most is coming to pass, the People will not be divided no more,
kinda like this:
Tosses in a prayer
This is what that prayer means
FEMA staging stuff below bridge, I am pretty sure we were told they ran outta money
G’damn liars