Over Black Coffee & Gunpowder Tea
Served with
I was involved in a criminal case in which the defendant had smashed into my convenience store with his SUV and caused many thousands of dollars of damages. Much to my surprise the plaintiff’s attorney tried to get the charges dismissed because I was sleeping with one of the officers who decided how to charge the case. I was flabbergasted and looking across the courtroom at the officer. The judge was speechless and he asked if it was true. He wanted a yes or no answer. I finally said ‘this isn’t a yes or no, let me explain!’
The judge allowed the explanation though he said “I hope this is good.” I told him we had to stay on the premises all night for insurance purposes, and the damage to the building was such that there was no longer a front window or door. We had both worked all day and once we sat down in the rubble to rest about 430 or 5 am, that was IT. we were both out cold. When the other officers checked on him, we were sound asleep, sitting up but together. So technically, we were sleeping together…but not really.
Judge looked at the officer, who was also scheduled to testify, and asked if it was true. He was so red-faced as he said “yeah”. After the judge had a good laugh he chastised the attorney for implying something quite different.
As a side note to that, two or three years later I was in a club when they cut into the music and read my license plate and said for the owner to meet the officers out front. Someone had smashed the window to try to steal the electronics. As I walked up to the officers, a couple of them laughed and slapped one guy on the back, saying “wait till the sergeant hears it was that Chick you slept with!” it made me laugh too.