See the face on the doggo left side, I seen that look this Am

I turned on CCR’s Midnight Special, you know where they march you to the table and you see the same ole thing. Yeah, well being 15 years of age, that’s like 76 years in human time, She had a rabbit once, took it a vet, he said it needs hay, some grass and water, so ma what you feed him? “any G’damn thing I bring to him”, that rabbit lived almost 10 years, coyote went through the cage.
You ever go school where some were allergic to peanut butter, no, me either, sure, I think we all knew one fat kid, so what, he’s fat, made a great goalie. Not sure your mother, thinking ours hated us, we never ate off 12-inch plates, she had them, just never used them, only 10-inch plates here.

Here, I’ll show you something, Trisoduim phosphate, you know what is, it’s cement cleaner

Reading through The Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act, there’s only one solution to making people healthy again which will produce healthy babies, America needs her Sons & Daughters, put bounties on Lobbyists anywhere d.c. 500 miles should be about right.
Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug
How do you show the people the truth, sometimes… you have to walk through the darkness before they see the Light.
Me, I’m just waiting for Black Friday videos, dog don’t think such terms, his belly does his thinking