Do you Habla…

Her name was amelia Carter, 29 years young, a pretty lady

Tying that sonofbitch to a tree fully dressed, “Take his boots!” would not be cruel and unusual punishment, he would live longer than she did, but the wolves and crows must eat as well.

Ever see this asked, ” what would Jesus”, I can you in no uncertain terms what he wouldn’t do, and that is Never back down in the face of EVIL. as in this example

anno, I am not making fun of the situation, this world is full of Evil

Weak men create hard times for everyone

What follows can filed under George & Martha

George, did you take the children to soccer practice today?

“No martha, we went out back and shot off cannons, the children had a great time”

George, you had one job, one job George

” I know Martha, I know… I known for a couple of days now, with the birth of the Christ child, which can be viewed as the best gift ever.

I’ve been informed, another child shall be born in July, my response was full-on Gunny, OUTFUCKIINGSTANDING and it’s about G’damn time, not getting any younger here. My mind started smilin when told, we’ll need a native name to go long with another name so grampa will still be with us. Got some time to think of things. Something I already know, I’ll bestest

First lesson learned while in my care GOD AND GUNS are good, giving the child a fighting chance agaisnt the evil out there. something else I get to do, share the stories I was told around a campfire

Telling the old stories while thinking I now sit where dad sat.

this one here didn’t Habla