I’ve been waiting for you Warren Upton
I have others who stand in your stead, you set the example for them to follow Warren, helping another who could not swim.
Kept close to the heart, they never really have gone, just in another room, the story of Pearl, we know all it
it’s a story that has to be remembered and passed down. Something else that generation did, they showed the world America could outwork and produce quality products even with just a high school diploma. These two I’m having issues with, wanting foreigners to do jobs Americans can do, and do better
that’s not being MAGA
Makes one wonder who they been hanging out with
Cheap labor + shuddy results = the bottom-line. That old Frigidaire in the basement at house, you heard it, purrin like a kitten, still, she needs some enamel work some maintenance on the motor, more for safety reasons than anything else. It’ll be working long after I’m gone and that’s the point, so people understand why we called them the Greatest generation. And something else G’damnit, all over the house there are phones that still work!
I’ll calling these people in Georgia
Phone people want me to disconnect them, that’s not happening
I may be old school, doesn’t mean you’re outta range
Reference the coffee cup…