Sips coffee Smithy was the horn, where’s the sheathes chance?, seems my stuff is the wrappings for his Christmas gifts, best not rile him up, he’s a Nordic type with Berserker blood at rest. I got them ready for you to come get, I don’t think chance, there’s a storm coming in, gonna stay here with the wifey, she’s lookin nervous, Gee I wonder why smithy, no not really. How about I might you halfway, that’ll work.

Severity: Severe
Significant threat to life or property
Weather Event Onset
7:00 AM (EST), December 11
Heavy lake effect snow expected. Total snow accumulations between 5 and 12 inches. Winds gusting as high as 35 mph will lead to areas of blowing snow by the lakeshore late Wednesday. Don’t know about where you are, weather around here does effect daily life, everyday, more so in these days of drought.
Water Levels of the Great Lakes Are Declining
I’d like al gore to come here, hell, I’d settle for john kerry to visit just so he can explain this shit, Roman baths in Matla, as the oceans are rising from globul warming

meanwhile down the road

People really should follow my lead
A word first

ole kevin doesn’t care if he loses ” fans” for his political views, he was a harris votin type, he’s a G’damn hypocrite, make a living acting with guns while supporting one who wants to take the guns from a FREE PEOPLE
Shooting the teevee was probably right up there with some of my best work
ever go runnin with your mom after some of your best your work
I have

Never underestimate the therapeutic power of driving and listening to some very loud music

Come on dog, the truck has warmed up and unburied for the most part