John how about we circle back to a time when ” we don’t know nothin about nothin”
From the goobermint website, go look for yourself,
Even down the road that way, we have TRAITORS, that’s right, G’damn TRAITORS
are you done as he
(uses his weasel voice)
No John, WE not
There is no such thing as a Preemptive pardon, you can stick that fantasy shit where the sun don’t shine, there is one however that would enjoy that way to much
I don’t know you were told, we were told, Men fart, Women fluffy, I call BS on that to John
Like her, I feel better.
File this under Reginal Accents
The other day, made a call concerning piece of equipment so I dialed up the helpline, was told, expect a in a few minutes, call came, west coast number. After the initial greeting offered on their end I replied WTFUCK!, something something was said back to me, then I said, where the Hell you at? BomBay India, and that’s when I said, Holdatitman spoken like the Caribbean people, ( what it means HolyShitman, the reply was What, what what, you heard me the first G’damn time! what? what hell, you some sort of G’damn lightbulb that’s burnin out?
An that’s when I click!
And yes, I’m was on my best behavior, phone behavior you know, because you just never know who’s in the area
ain’t that right FBLIE, suck that up like you have with Kash’s phone and emails