Welcome to Wednesday, January 10, 2024 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With

SECDEF ClusterF*ck Update

I wrote about the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin going AWOL for 4 days on Sunday.…

Rethinking Presidential Power…

Rethinking Presidential Power For The Next Trump Administration In sharp contrast with legal scholars who readily…

Welcome to Tuesday, January 9, 2024 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With

The View From Here

Featured Image: Kasoag Lake NY. The House Oversight committee has released its Hunter Biden contempt resolution.…

Pentagon Releases New Statement on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin…

Pentagon Releases New Statement on Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Still Hospitalized – Secretary of State Blinken…

Welcome to Monday, January 8, 2024 Conversation

Black Coffee & Gun Powder Tea With

U.S. Jobs Report

Elizabeth MacDonald There’s something wrong with previous U.S. jobs reports. The government quietly erased 439,000 jobs through November…

I could go off the rails

Having a dropped call from the VA isn’t a really big thing in these woods, phone…

SECDEF ClusterF*ck

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was admitted into the ICU at Walter Reed National Military Medical…