Know your cows

Really, no really, stick with me here you’ll understand. Hell, I’ll give you a free 2-fer.…

January 6 Documentary: PATRIOT DAY…

January 6 Documentary: PATRIOT DAY Premiers NOW! WARNING! Viewer discretion is advised for only REAL PATRIOTS!…

Saturday Shootaround

Welcome to Saturday Shootaround, your weekly foray into the 2A news and notes. As usual, we…

Get Ready

I’d show you the front yard but you cannot see it, so you get the back…

The View From Here

Featured Image: Oswego NY harbor lighthouse in winter. For reference, the breakwall that the wave is…

Once again, in the hurry up & wait mode

Doesn’t mean I’ve wasted my time, time is fire in which we all burn in, it’s…

The View From Here

Featured image: The Pond at Old Forge NY. The Pond is the final body of water…

Flashback – Alaska Boneyard

Beneath the ever-frozen ground of Alaska, a gold miner is unearthing a treasure trove of perfectly-preserved…

The View From Here

Featured Image: Lake of the Isles from Wellesley Island, Thousand Islands region of the St Lawrence…


Don’t know what this day brings, I do know this, coffee will be involved. I may…