Tossing those throw pillows Women like, they help, but not much when dog’s jaw never stops. I was thinkin about that bad habit, having a conversation with her, you were lucky to get a word in edgewise, probably something he learnt from her.
On the way to the house stopped by to see my garden lady, not so the Armydog, I’ll tell what, when it does hit the fan, regional lingo will count, she’s been teachin me how to “properly” say boil. Armdog wasn’t sayin much while I was conversing with his wifey, as if I didn’t see the .45 on his hip, I always see the .45 on his hip.
I’ll show you something, maybe you have smell-o-net.
An interesting observation, the basket in that coffee pot, I didn’t use one of those filters, the holes are so small, I didn’t get any grounds in my coffee, new isn’t always better, just spend spend spend, they like that. See this: a rabbit coffee cup, chosen on purpose.
Easter this year falls on 4/20 for those who know
Ohh yea, my idea, was thinkin along the lines of a housewarming gift for another Man’s wifey, which still don’t mean a hill of beans to me, I have no use for it, Malania sets a beautiful table, should fit right in. Along with the electric cord, I’ll add the bestest venison stew recipe.
I’m serious, like what the hell am I gonna do with it, might as well pass it along, it’ll be used and well cared for, that’s a 2-fer fer sure. Just to be curious, I’ll add a seperate, could you coffee pots, hell, I’ll even toss in a matching G’damn teapot.
Between the dog and these dishes, I may soon just take upon myself to up the medication,
this week in health, yea… my mental health