Talkin about my weather, if one is not prepared for life in these woods, they don’t belong in these woods
Winter Weather Advisory
Severity: Moderate
Possible threat to life or property
Take action within next hour.
Viking proverb
Animals die, friends die, and I shall I die, one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind at our death.
People are talkin how those out in california should resign, having them Arrested for DERILITION of DUTY, sounds so much better,

These are all real life pictures showing the aftermath of declared emergencies. Guess which one received $175 billion dollars from the USA government to “improve their quality of life”?

Waiting for all the brainiacs from the polished schools to pitch in, waiting, waiting waiting, Mike nails it
It’s a good thing; many paid no mind to the Verble vomit spewing from the indoctrination centers, To those Americans in the skies, jobs Americans won’t do,
Bring the rain
Those of US who are fortunate to live in a house, that’s right, you live in a house, but America is your home, what they done to our home is unforgivable. There’s a season for all things. Including HATE
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