No trophy pictures?

There was a sick joke going around, how Branch Davidians could you fit into David’s ashtray?


Joggin the ole noggin here

The FBI knew in advance the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) & were tipped off by the local sheriff. 53 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the LV shooter had huge weapons stashes (Paddock). 60 dead. 800 injured.

The “kidnapping” of the Michigan Governor plan was set up by FBI.

The FBI knew in advance the Charleston church shooter (Dylann Roof). 9 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the San Bernardino Terrorists (Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik). 14 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Sandy Hook shooter (Adam Lanza). 26 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. 3 dead, hundreds injured.

The FBI knew in advance the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). 17 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan). 13 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Boulder Colorado shooter (Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa). 10 dead.

The FBI knew in advance the Garland, Texas, shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi).

The FBI knew in advance of 9/11 that terrorists were training in US flight schools. 2,977 dead.

The FBI suppressed a massive amount of evidence concerning McVeigh’s accomplices of the Oklahoma bombing. 168 dead.

The FBI knew in advance that the Nashville bomber was building bombs (Anthony Quinn Warner).

The FBI entrapped General Flynn.

The FBI FISA abuse collusion on Trump.

The FBI knew in advance and facilitated 1/6.

The FBI and CIA is a terrorist organization weaponized against its own countrymen.

That mosque in Houston, they must be special

The FBI didn’t show up to the NOLA suspect’s address until 1pm today. We were on scene before. No one came out of the home or answered the door.

And to make matters even worse, as we mentioned earlier, the New York Post actually beat the feds to the terrorist’s house. The FBI didn’t bother to show up until around 1 p.m. What were they doing in the meantime—chasing down grandparents who attended the January 6th rally nearly four years ago?

New York Post reporter Jeannie Taer took to X (formerly Twitter) to call out the disgraced agency in no uncertain terms.

The FBI will relentlessly hunt down non-violent January 6 attendees with the fire of a thousand suns, yet when it comes to actual terrorists mowing down and shooting innocent Americans, they seem to yawn and lollygag their way to critical scenes.

Gramma’s imprisoned for praying and singing songs near an abortion mill but that mosque is a no go zone for the fbi

want fingerprints, check the USURPER’S

when islam is in the minority they play victim, when in the majority, islam suppresses the minority


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