Are you a civilized Man?
Have a closet full of the finest suits, drive the most expensive car or how about having attended some of best schools, no; well that kinda narrows a bit don’t it. I tried being civilized, don’t know you know this, everyone in Boston sounds related to the Kennedy clan. Wasn’t just me who didn’t fit well, this fella from Kneebraska, he’s the one who threw the ROTTED steak at the dumbwaiter window where the chef was hiding behind in this rather fancy restaurant. I was busy gagging at the smell while Mr. Kneebraska doing his thing. If you are interested rotted meat, here ya go:
13 Best Aged Steaks in Boston for an “Unforgettable Dining Experience”.
They be right about that FFS
Let’s check in on the Civilized shall we
Where is Mayor Karen Bass, you ask? She was in Ghana on a tax-payer funded junket while her city burned, refusing to address the crisis or even acknowledge the displaced victims upon her return.
To top it off, the LA City Council has spent the last two years diverting a significant portion of the firefighting budget—and even equipment—to Ukraine, leaving their own city woefully unprepared for this disaster.
This isn’t negligence; it’s a betrayal. And according to a WEF insider, its all by design and there is much worse to come.
The globalist war on our health went into overdrive with the Covid plandemic, and now the elite have reached the next phase of their long heralded plan.
In the occult beliefs held by the elite, fire is seen as a force of purification.
Fire and blood sacrifices have been performed for Moloch across various civilizations for centuries. Thanks to WikiLeaks emails, we know Hillary Clinton performed one in her back garden in 2016.
This dark occult practice was also mentioned in the Bible. Jeremiah chapter nineteen verse five reads: “They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal–something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.”
The ancient practice of blood sacrifices hasn’t disappeared—it’s evolved.
Once, children were sacrificed to Baal in ancient Carthage, but now, in the age of mass media, the occult elite stages massive rituals designed to be witnessed by the entire world.
Why? To amplify their magickal potency and increase their power over humanity.
The LA wildfires are part of this plot against humanity, according to a WEF insider who warns that 2025 will be a year of carnage and chaos, and while you might think the year has started with a bang.
You have not seen anything yet.
Not long ago bringing smithy his leather stuff he needed for his knives, I asked if he was civilized, looking at me he says
” Chance, do I look civilized to you”.
Looks Swede to me man (safe answer)
Asked him how he got into Blacksmithing ” I got anger issues, beating the shit outta iron helps”, You been married how long “23 years, same Woman”
don’t she help keep you calm
” ya, keeps me outta jail too.
Dog don’t eat Rotted meat, having no teeth in the mouth, one long piece of venison jerky lasts way longer then if he had teeth.