That’s right Thomas

What follows could filed under, the va slipped me a micky, in the hopes of slowin him down, outta sorts would fit to. I”ll suck it up like a buttercup

to early for this shit

Let’s see, if I call a whamblance that’ll cost me 2g plus change, Bill, he has a flatbed, if I need to the hospital, he’ll do it for a 100.00 and a 12 pack. the 12 pack is for going out of his way. Good to have friends

Ole Ellison there, I doubt we’d be friends, he has a god complex, phasing out humankind, dumb them down to the point they simply are not needed anymore.

I seen that video of him talking about cancer cured with Ai, fires up the wayback machine

just an example of what could ever possibly go wrong, all kinds of video showing when AI gets mad

Don’t you about you, I like nature getting mad at STUPID humans

I didn’t forget you Cathern
