The day the music died

Luke 12:2

Anyone opposed to this?

Ever soak an old carpet, wait a few hours, go back lift it up, all kinds worms

About that wolly beast, It’s gonna have to a joint venture between Smithy, the woodworker and me, the trigger guy.

Wait for it; and there it is!

but it will also reintroduce the woolly mammoth to the same ecosystem in which it once lived in an effort to fight climate change

Just what I need around here, piles of wolly beast poop, you know thing would be on same scale of seagulls which taste like rubber tire, dirty diapers and tinfoil on the teeth, slo roasted over a campfire, don’t even ask.

Thinking total distance with the Ballista should good at least 150 yards you know, just in case 15 bolts only irritates it, come on legs, down let me down!