We have a different problem around here

Sent that picture to those indoctrinated knuckleheads at the AP

Why more frequent cold blasts could be coming from global warming

California is what insanity looks like, fires attract looters. parasites; no other name for them. I have to keep focused, plowing is one thing, getting up on the roof is something different, one slip and that’s it, maybe someone will venture out looking for me in Spring, or what’s left after Mother nature’s takes her fair share of my hide. Snow gets heavy, roofs cave in, been like for days now, quiet snow

Dog went out, over his head, kinda felt sorry for him having to drag his lil noogies through into the snow to do his business. I use a rope, this looks like an easy build, problem is, finding the time for the build.

Not preparing for the Sanna Anna winds, that’s not just foolish, that’s dumb and stupid, underbrush, it’s nothing but tinder.

Thinking if President Trump put me in charge of the Department of Education knowing I ‘ll get that shitshow squared away right away. as in,

So, you don’t if your male eh let’s test that stinking thinking

Now excuse me, I got snow to deal with


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