That’s Leigha, thought I would make her famous, kinda sorta and somewhat while looking good with a bobcat.
It has come to my attention, the castrobuttboi of the wef wants to play games

It’s not like America with President Trump on point, is wanting Asteroid 2025 BR2 to land in Ottawa, thinking the whole damn planet would applaud if it landed on DAVOS. All we want is Canada to secure their border, butt noooo, castrothebuttboi wants to play games. Well, let’s play the game, I disassembled the wet bar at the house, just lookin at i knew what I was going to do, real 2×2’s from the 40’s, today’s 2×2’s are actually 1.5×3.5 size, hell, not woodworker, even I knew that. We import a lot of lumber, don’t need it castrobuttboi, America has trees, trees are good, renewable to.

Jim flooring, curling floors, even the NBA flooring, all that is made down the road in Amasa

for 5.00 bucks, they give you a frontload bucket of scrap wood for the sauna or whatever, just get it outta here. We don’t need your lumber, had panniecakes for breakfast with local syrup, Ever drive by a bakery when they making bread, that’s a good smell, around here, when the sugar shacks are running, the woods smell of maple syrup.
short video
Heard some blithering idiot whinnin about how will Women get their blueberries for their smoothies,

Patriot Foods were giving away fresh blueberries, they had like 350,000 pounds, buy something from their site, get free berries, why?, because stores like Meyers would rather stock imports. Even the flour I used was made up here down the road father,
Liberty Farms

Point being, don’t where you are in America, buy local save the planet. We the people have President Trump out front, we need to do our part
Are you doing your part, would you like to know more?
there’s reason why it’s 40 to one
A very long time ago, when the world was new, Gitchee Manitou made things so that life was very easy for the people. There was plenty of game and the weather was always good and the maple trees were filled with thick sweet syrup. Whenever anyone wanted to get maple syrup from the trees, all they had to do was break off a twig and collect it as it dripped out.
One day, Manabozho went walking around. “I think I’ll go see how my friends the Anishinabe are doing,” he said. So, he went to a village of Indian people. But, there was no one around. So, Manbozho looked for the people. They were not fishing in the streams or the lake. They were not working in the fields hoeing their crops. They were not gathering berries. Finally, he found them. They were in the grove of maple trees near the village. They were just lying on their backs with their mouths open, letting maple syrup drip into their mouths.
“This will NOT do!” Manabozho said. “My people are all going to be fat and lazy if they keep on living this way.”
So, Manabozho went down to the river. He took with him a big basket he had made of birch bark. With this basket, he brought back many buckets of water. He went to the top of the maple trees and poured water in, so that it thinned out the syrup. Now, thick maple syrup no longer dripped out of the broken twigs. Now what came out was thin and watery and just barely sweet to the taste.
“This is how it will be from now on,” Manabozho said. “No longer will syrup drip from the maple trees. Now there will only be this watery sap. When people want to make maple syrup they will have to gather many buckets full of the sap in a birch bark basket like mine. They will have to gather wood and make fires so they can heat stones to drop into the baskets. They will have to boil the water with the heated stones for a long time to make even a little maple syrup. Then my people will no longer grow fat and lazy. Then they will appreciate this maple syrup Gitchee Manitou made available to them. Not only that, this sap will drip only from the trees at a certain time of the year. Then it will not keep people from hunting and fishing and gathering and hoeing in the fields. This is how it is going to be,” Manabozho said.
And, that is how it is to this day.
And another thing castrobuttboi of the wef, Canadian bacon is NOT bacon, when you make things yourself, just seems better somehow

I had asked once a long time, where she learned the prayer, said Gramma taught us kids as I have taught my children. Here in America you free to pray or not to pray
we choose to pray
Our Father be out guest, let to us this food be blessed, Amen

I make good bacon 🙂