Dastardly Deeds

Featured image via grok.

That is the apparent cause of action Rep. Al Green (D-TX) cites in his articles of Impeachment. Green filed the articles against Trump this morning. He also gave a floor speech. Watch:

This isn’t the first time Green has filed articles of impeachment against Trump. He did it several times during Trumps last term as President.

While Green, who represents the southwestern portion of Houston, isn’t the dumbest rep on the Dem side, he’s damned close.

Having read the US Constitution from the Preamble to the closing clause, I can assure you that dastardly deeds appear nowhere in that august text. And while I cannot be 100% sure, I am reasonably confident that those two words do not appear together in any part of the US criminal code.

I have to wonder if dastardly deeds rise to the High Crimes and Misdemeanors requirement for impeachment. Not that this is going anywhere. At least not without a couple of Vichy Republicans helping out that is.

The phrase does bring to mind a song. That song was the inspiration behind the prompt that generated the featured image for this post; Trump dressed like Angus Young playing a guitar.