It’s Saturday… yeah!

We can get all kinds of political stuff:

It being Saturday, Karoline has a child to look after, President Trump, he’s got Grandbabies to give a hard time to, as in, come here kid and pull my finger.

See this

What you see is a myosin protein dragging an endorphin along a filament to the inner part of the brain’s parietal cortex which creates happiness.

You’re looking at happiness.

It’s a good thing he doesn’t smell like lake trout

Talk about ice fishing, they won’t get away this time

you have a spirit animal?

me?, well I got dog

He’s learned when I’m in the kitchen he stays behind the transition strip, sometimes he’ll put paw over it as if I don’t see him trying to sneak in, when busted, he’ll curl his paw under as in I ain’t doin nothin

it’s not me he keeps eye on, it’s whatever that may land on the floor

whatever you do today, include some Happiness