Seen this and translated it straight away
70 million under winter storm alerts as heavy snows, strong winds threaten Great Lakes, many will say, ohh it’s so cold, how about we stay inside an cuddle, which really means “hair in face, bad air and an award boner” am I right fellas
of course I am.
Ever wanted to do something just not in the cards, as you know the driver always picks the music Dan-knee, music blaring goin down the track

And as always, there is an exception, that’s where the driver hangs on for dear life.

a quote from a below the bridge type
“You haven’t seen a race until you’ve seen a dog sled race. When I first came up, I thought the dogs would be big and husky, but these are not; they’re lean, mean marathon machines. Everyone’s got to come and experience it for themselves, but once you see one, you’re going to see another one.

to lazy to go eh, we have our ways
Let us do the driving!
Hop on the Mush Bus and enjoy the ride to Grand Marais where you can experience the UP200 Mushers up close as they rest at the half-way point of the race,
the exception to the rule
Another reason to be outside you know, where all the fresh air is, is when the crazies come around here
The only ski flying hill outside of Europe. Located near Ironwood in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Copper Peak was built in 1969 and held its first International Ski Flying Competition in 1970. From 1970 to 1994, seventeen countries competed at ten international ski competitions before Copper Peak closed in 1994. Today you can ride a chairlift to an 18 story elevator. Then climb several flights of stairs to get all the way to the top.
Now excuse me, I gotta go plow