Tread lightly

I don’t see sunsets, only sunrises when the sun comes around here, so there I am trying to be a ray of sunshine for everyone, but life keeps testing me.

Example: what you see

Come March 14th, President Trump will have a choice, except the CR, which will be more biden economics (eggs) or shut the government down, that’ll be good way to weed out the non-essentials without backpay of course.

I was looking at these ladies and thinking, yeah, you may be wearing cowboy hats and clothes to match

just ranch dressing Olive looks rather happy for now

Fellas, something you may know others may not, (lack of experience) there’s 2 ways to argue with a Woman, and neither one works, but you choose to, remember my warning

Ever been told during your Tom Sawyer days

God counts a Woman’s tears, so you remember that