Was time again to go rattle Armydog’s cage, said we’d have a drink when he turns 100 years young, at the moment he’s 93, making sure his blood pressure remains proper, why, I want that drink he promised. When you go see someone, you get a warm welcome, an example of such a thing
Nothing like that can be found at his home

Sips coffee in 25 degree weather with breeze mind you, his wifey was telling me one of girlfriend’s know 3 ladies who are going to have babies, and that’s when I said
Life is God’s gift to us, what we become is our gift to God
she agreed, then I said Dog, you notice Women have girlfriends, you’re not like some sort of boyfriend of mine are ya? the look on face you’ve seen before on Charles Bronson, as if I didn’t see his right hand reaching for his .45

Hold on dog, remember we’re suppose have a drink and figure out Women, that’s when she stood behind him like a hug from the back, he leaned his head back in-between her boozems moving left to right while saying, ohh I understand the Woman just fine. It’s time for you to leave, I suppose. Mission accomplished; blood pressure proper
With the long winter not yet over, I know what happened
She’s late
She’s late
those fellas took their wifey to the sauna and now

they’re 3 months late