Off the cuff stuff

For Lent, I’ve given up Winter, that lil blizzard me cost money and time. I don’t need the canada types to lose the light juice. I thought about it, within a nano second, no, JUST NO

When you are prepared for nature or whatever, a good meatball sammich did the trick

Am I wrong here?

People stood and clapped for DJ for we all know, anyone one of US could have been DJ, he beat the quit, that’s why we stood and cheered.

Even the animals have compassion for those with a broken mind or body.

Heard tell HE works in ways we don’t understand, maybe HE had DJ just waiting in the wings for such a such moment

The enemy likes to hide wolves in sheep’s clothing

yeah well

God likes to hide Lions inside of lambs

Some motivation as a reminder

You been in long enough

Let me hear the scream

you don’t scare me

There are differences

No sound here, what you expect from the Silent Service

President Reagan came to mind

One generation away

Looks like the student has become the Master

So much easier to destroy than to build